FAQ Category: Product Information
How to check the serial number of Melody Tag
There are 2 ways to check the serial number of Melody Tag.
What is NFC? What is the difference between NFC and RFID?
NFC is the short form for Near Field Communication whereas RFID is the short form for Radio Frequency Identification. Although both have similar functions, they are using different technology. Refer to here for a more in-depth explanation. Our Melody Tag utilizes NFC technology to incorporate it into the keychains and other souvenirs that we offer.
What is the Link Behavior feature?
When you purchase the Melody Tag, you will be prompted to select either one of the Link Behaviour: If you have an issue using your Melody Tag or you realized that the link does not work for you, email hello@melodytag.com or contact us via the e-commerce channel to have your link behavior replaced with the…
Why is my Melody Tag not working?
It might be due to system settings, operating systems, or web browser issues that do not open the specific link in the app. It is advised to install Microsoft Edge to be able to Open the App. Select Microsoft Edge after scanning the Melody Tag, then select Open in External App. If you still have…
What is Read Only Option when purchasing the NFC product
The Read Only option disables the user from changing the function or link of the NFC tag. In other words, the link or function of NFC will be staying forever. This might benefit companies or users that promote brand awareness which disallows users from changing the function or link of the Tag. However, for normal…
Why it is recommended to be a Spotify Premium user if I choose a Spotify-related link for my Melody Tag?
Free Spotify users will have “recommended” songs automatically added to the queue list. In other words, you might be playing an incorrect song or the “recommended” song instead of the actual song that you wanted if you are not premium user.